GT Classic Hire "News Pages"

These "News" pages are for us at GT Classic Hire Ltd to let you know what we are trying to do within the Classic Car Hire industry. We want our hires to enjoy there time with the cars and to return to us without issue or incident.

I have been working with classic cars for 20 years and within the hire industry for the last six years and I feel I know how to help our customers to have a successful weekend in the great Suffolk countryside with a car that is part of British motoring history. If British classics are not our customers choice, then a European classic in Suffolk can be as much fun.

We at GT Classic Hire not only want our customers to enjoy hiring our cars but would like to discuss with owners of classic cars the possibility of hiring there cars out to our customers, and so giving the owner a income from there car. The classic car industry is one that is proving inflation proof and many people are using classic cars as an investment. Buy the right cars and it is possible to earn a much better income than leaving money in a bank.

Please call us at GT Classic Hire if you require any information regarding Classic car hire, wether you want to hire or invest.

Wishing you all "Happy Motoring"

Tony Hunting

MD GT Classic Hire Ltd